Sustainability works
It can be super hard to not take on all the pressure of what we need to do in order to be better humans on this planet. Firstly, we need to stop using plastics, compost everything, grow perfect gardens to become self-sufficient, purchase organic food direct from the farmers market, offset our carbon and the list goes on. It is a challenge. Scientists project that the sea level will rise 2-3 ft by 2050, and the planet is warming at an alarming rate.
We are on an avoidable trajectory, and we need to act fast, but how?
- You can buy a Tesla. Well, that is, if you have the money to buy one.
- You can change your buying habits and switch up where you get your green groceries from.
- You can buy sustainable fashion.
- And you can get yourself an ebike.
Ebikes are an affordable way to limit your carbon footprint, but also have multiple benefits aside from just having fun. If you were to ditch your bus ticket or your car rides to work for even 50% of the year you could limit your carbon footprint by a massive amount, saving on fuel costs, reducing pollution, and a big bonus you are getting some exercise in at the same time.
In Byron Bay, you will be able to see our friends at Arnhem Clothing trying this out for real with their new ebike, a candy pink, customised Ezriderz Sledz. For their healthy and passionate team, their new ebike is shared amongst them all to get team members to and from work, running errands and changing the immediate response of getting in a car to do these tasks.
If just 1 person driving a small - medium car to and from work, around 18,000 km per year ditched their car they would eliminate 5.4t of carbon from the atmosphere. To sequester this amount of carbon, an individual would have to plant up to 20 trees every year, and it takes 25 years for them to do a fully effective job.
Check out the amazing carbon challenge Arnhem is running this February. We teamed up with them to customise an Ezriderz Sledz, newly covered seats, bespoke decals on the fenders, making the ride super sweet.
Take part in the challenge, sign up with Arnhem and get on board to track your carbon consumption. Transport & travel challenge starts 20 February, get involved and put your hat in the ring to win an Ezriderz Sledz.